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I graffittari che scatenarono la guerra in Siria [EN]

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A cura di @not you.

Quando nacque la rivolta in Siria? Un lungo reportage del Globe and Mail racconta le storie di un ragazzino che a causa di un graffito vide la sua vita e quella del suo paese sconvolta:

Naief Abazid had no inkling that he was about to launch a revolution, or anything else that has followed. He was just doing what the bigger kids told him to. Trying to make them laugh. “It’s your turn, Doctor Bashar al-Assad, ” he painted, just under the window of the principal’s office of the all-boys al-Banin school in his hometown of Daraa. The date was Feb. 16, 2011.

Immagine da Flickr.


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