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Il lavoro del legionario in battaglia [EN]

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A cura di @Uqbal.

Al cinema le battaglie degli antichi romani piacciono molto. Ma quelle dei film non hanno assolutamente nulla di realistico. Le vere battaglie erano molto meno spettacolari e i soldati tendevano ad essere molto più cauti. Ne parla War History Online:

“The problem is that one of the most basic motivations of all humans is simply to stay alive. Leaping over an enemies shield to land awkwardly and surrounded by enemies is going so directly against that most primal human trait that it is unreasonable to expect any significant portion of combatants to have done that. Of course, adrenaline flows heavy in battle, so acts of bravery that suspend the drive to stay alive certainly happened, but preserving one’s life usually shaped the actions during a battle.”

Immagine da Wikimedia.


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