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“Il male minore”: come le milizie brasiliane usano il terrore per togliere il potere alle gang [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent (modificato).

Un articolo del Guardian racconta come alcune bande paramilitari sono arrivate a Rio de Janeiro con lo scopo dichiarato di combattere la delinquenza organizzata, finendo per occupare il posto e le funzioni dello stato.

Known as “militias”, paramilitary groups – which often include former and serving police officers and firefighters – have quietly taken control of swathes of Rio’s western suburbs since they emerged in the early 2000s.

As they did in Seropédica, they commonly arrive in a neighbourhood claiming they will drive out criminals and dealers – but soon start their own extortion and protection rackets.

“It was like a tax, that’s what everyone said, to keep the security of the neighbourhood,” the resident said.

Immagine da Flickr.


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