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Il tuo corpo non è pronto per la realtà virtuale [EN]

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A cura di @GiMa

Alex Cranz su Gizmodo elenca i motivi per cui il corpo umano potrebbe non essere pronto per lunghi periodi di realtà virtuale.

I rip off the headset and gulp in a huge lungful of air. The world stops spinning long enough for me to catch the eye of one of the creators. He’s grinning, ecstatic with his debut of the Assassin’s Creed experience, and I’m nauseous and trying to be polite. This is a carefully designed virtual experience. It was shot on the same locations as the big budget movie, and intended to get the average person excited about virtual reality—a surprisingly daunting task. This is, in many respects, the best that VR has to offer. And as the nausea tries to settle in my stomach one thing is painfully clear. Our bodies aren’t ready for it.


Immagine da Pexels

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