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In che modo la Polonia è diventata un terreno fertile per l’estrema destra in Europa? [EN]

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A cura di @Ergosfera.

Rick Noack sul Washington Post propone un’analisi della manifestazione di Varsavia tenutasi nello scorso weekend, sintomo più recente di una generale ascesa sulla platea politica dell’ultranazionalismo:

The country was still considered a post-communism success story and a “robust” democracy in 2015 when the Law and Justice party swept into power after taking a decidedly anti-immigration stance and glorifying the country’s history, while ignoring its darker aspects.

To many observers, the far-right surge remains a mystery, given that Poland was doing well economically compared with other post-communist nations and was increasingly being considered a key member of the European Union and of NATO.

Immagine da Wikipedia.

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