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In Sud Africa la terra è ancora dei bianchi [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Er Puma.

Dalla fine dall’Apartheid ad oggi, la proprietà terriera sudafricana è rimasta largamente nelle mani dei bianchi. La politica perseguita fino ad oggi dall’ANC per sanare questo pesantissimo sbilanciamento si è sempre basata sull’idea di vendita volontaria, ma nei fatti quasi nessuno tra i proprietari terrieri bianchi ha voluto vendere.

Ora, racconta Foreign Policy, comincia a farsi strada l’idea di procedere con espropri veri e propri:

The unresolved land question in South Africa is a time bomb. One out of every two South Africans was classified as “poor” in 2015, with the poverty rate increasing to 55.5 percent from a low of 53.2 percent in 2011. This translated into more than 30 million out of 55 million South Africans living in poverty in 2015. Ongoing struggles for housing in urban areas and grazing in rural areas reveal the full extent of the country’s poverty crisis. The ANC government now seems to realize that for both its survival as a ruling party and the preservation of democracy, something drastic must be done to reverse the vast inequalities that plague land ownership in South Africa.

Immagine: Ossewa per Wikimedia Commons

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