un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

«Keith Moon ha vissuto tutta la sua vita come un’illusione» [EN]

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Il terzo suggerimento da parte di Gabriele Carrer per la settimana di pausa della sua newsletter sulla politica britannica.

As Roger Daltrey prepares to publish his long-awaited autobiography and release his compelling new solo album, The Who’s singer – probably the most garlanded and most singular frontman in the annals of rock – opens up about how his recent brush with death altered his attitude towards mortality. All this in a year that sees the 40th anniversary of the band’s last great studio album, Who Are You, and the 40th anniversary of the death of one of the 20th century’s most notorious wild men, the thought-to-be indestructible Keith Moon. ‘He was much misunderstood,’ says Daltrey. ‘There was madness in his eyes, but he had sophistication and he had terrible sadness’

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