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La guerra di Stanford contro la vita sociale [EN]

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Palladium mag pubblica un articolo molto duro contro la governance dell’università di Stanford. La tesi è che Stanford stia sistematicamente rimuovendo la grande tradizione delle associazioni studentesche nel campus, prendendo il controllo della vita sociale degli studenti, pur tenendo conto del fatto che negli Stati Uniti l’università ha già un controllo totalizzante sulla vita degli studenti.

Since 2013, Stanford’s administration has executed a top-to-bottom destruction of student social life. Driven by a fear of uncontrollable student spontaneity and a desire to enforce equity on campus, a growing administrative bureaucracy has destroyed almost all of Stanford’s distinctive student culture.

Questo approccio, secondo l’autore, ha conseguenze molto profonde. La vita universitaria ne esce burocratizzata e formalizzata, con conseguenze sulla salute mentale studentesca, che già ha problemi sempre più diffusi e noti. Questi problemi vengono poi, a loro volta, risolti con una strategia burocratica:

It sounds so good: “community center.” How could you be lonely on a campus with so many community centers? At Stanford, we have an office for every problem.

Mental health is a Big Problem in our generation. About 71 percent of college students say that they are “very sad.” I wonder how many sad kids are just lonely. Our former fraternity houses have been filled with offices to help us feel better, and we are sadder and sicker than any generation before. If you are sad, Stanford has an office building with a number you can call and a series of “community conversations” about neurodiversity. But what if you are just unhappy spending your days alone, in your lettered house and numbered room?

Stanford students live in brand new buildings with white walls. We have a $20 million dollar meditation center that nobody uses. But students didn’t ask for any of that. We just wanted a dirty house with friends.

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