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La McKinsey guida il mondo

50 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Lowresolution.

Dimenticate il teatrino della politica italiana, i titoli di giornali, i talk show di seconda serata, le teorie sui grandi vecchi e tutto il resto. Il mondo è guidato da Mckinsey, la prestigiosa e potente società di consulenza strategica. Uomini McK sono dietro le trasformazioni e le strategie dei governi e delle principali imprese di tutto il mondo, a partire dal Governo Americano e la Casa Bianca. Anche superMario Draghi è un ex-McKinsey. La storia influente e controversa della McKinsey è raccontata in “The Firm“, libro del giornalista americano Duff McDonald.

When he was asked how he would fix government if he were elected, Mitt Romney responded, “I would probably bring in McKinsey.” Proving that McKinsey has no political affiliation, the Obama administration draws heavily on its expertise, even soliciting retirement advice.

McKinsey helped Carlos Salinas privatize Mexico, Margaret Thatcher do what she did to England, and the FBI build a domestic intelligence capability post 9/11. New York City hired McKinsey for $2 million to run a four-month congestion study to explore the effects of Uber. Nothing happens in Germany without McKinsey being consulted first.

Before he became Global Managing Director, Dominic Barton worked for McKinsey in Korea where he was instrumental in saving the Korean banking system. There has even been talk of McKinsey taking over the World Economic Forum once Klaus Schwab steps down or falls down. After all, McKinsey is the elite advisor to the elite and throws the best parties in town.

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