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Mind the gap: Southern European economies have diverged

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Carla Subirana Artús su Politico espone come negli ultimi anni sia emersa una divergenza tra i paesi del Sud Europa. È ancora l’Italia il vero punto debole dell’eurozona, con le sue banche a rischio di insolvenza per via della loro esposizione al debito pubblico. Dopo le dimissioni di Draghi, che aveva dato una relativa stabilità al Paese, tornano le paure per i possibili effetti negativi sull’intera UE.

“Political stability matters — and not just to Italian families. ECB officials worry that if the notorious “doom loop,” which ties the solvency of banks to that of their host countries, were to hit Italy and threaten to trigger a debt crisis, the currency union would start to look shaky.

And while most European banks have reduced their exposures to their home country since the sovereign debt crisis of 2012, Italian banks remain just as exposed to their government’s debt as they were a decade ago, the link between banks and sovereigns holding particularly strong.”

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