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Non si possono riciclare le pale delle turbine eoliche [EN

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Bloomberg spiega che, seppur poco inquinanti, le turbine eoliche stanno dimostrando di avere comunque un notevole impatto sull’ambiente: le loro pale eoliche infatti sono talmente resistenti da non poter essere riciclate, e l’unico modo di sbarazzarsene per ora è seppellirle.

Tens of thousands of aging blades are coming down from steel towers around the world and most have nowhere to go but landfills. In the U.S. alone, about 8,000 will be removed in each of the next four years. Europe, which has been dealing with the problem longer, has about 3,800 coming down annually through at least 2022, according to BloombergNEF. It’s going to get worse: Most were built more than a decade ago, when installations were less than a fifth of what they are now.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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