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Perché la musica ci dà i brividi [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @s1m0n4

Alcuni ricercatori statunitensi hanno monitorato attraverso una tecnica di scansione cerebrale chiamata DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging) le connessioni fra le diverse regioni del cervello e analizzato le differenze fra le persone suscettibili di avere brividi all’ascolto di certi brani e quelle che non li hanno.

Ne parla il Guardian in questo articolo di Ian Sample.

When Sachs looked at the scans from the “chill group” and the “no chill group”, he noticed differences in how three key regions of the brain were connected. The brains of people who felt the chills had more nerve fibres running from the auditory cortex, needed for basic hearing ability, to two other regions, namely the anterior insular cortex, involved in processing feelings, and the medial prefrontal cortex, which is thought to monitor emotions and assign values to them.


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