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Ragnatele cognitive [EN]

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A cura di @CiFlo.

I ragni usano le ragnatele come strumento per compiere task cognitive, ovvero per pensare. Permettono di estendere le capacità cerebrali spostando fuori dal cervello la risoluzione di compiti e decisioni. Bisogna quindi considerarle parte della loro mente. Questo può essere però verificato.

They argued in a review paper, published in the journal Animal Cognition, that a spider’s web is at least an adjustable part of its sensory apparatus, and at most an extension of the spider’s cognitive system.

“The web is actually a computer, as it were,” he said. “It processes information and simplifies it.” In this view, webs evolved over time like an extension of the spider’s body and sensory system — not so much its mind.


Immagine da pixabay.

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