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The Amazing Dinosaur Found (Accidentally) by Miners in Canada [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @GiMa.

Su National Geographic la storia dello straordinario ritrovamento di un fossile di nodosauridae, in un eccezionale stato di conservazione, da parte di una compagnia energetica vicino a Fort McMurray, in Alberta.

On the afternoon of March 21, 2011, a heavy-equipment operator named Shawn Funk was carving his way through the earth, unaware that he would soon meet a dragon.

That Monday had started like any other at the Millennium Mine, a vast pit some 17 miles north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, operated by energy company Suncor. Hour after hour Funk’s towering excavator gobbled its way down to sands laced with bitumen—the transmogrified remains of marine plants and creatures that lived and died more than 110 million years ago.

Immagine da Wikimedia Commons.

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