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The Blowjob Paper

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Su segnalazione di @Sigismondo.

Cosa succede quando un produttore di sex toys chiede a diversi team di scienziati di studiare l’AI per un articolo per soli uomini? Lo racconta Vice

The result of this research is the Blowjob Paper, a (definitely not peer-reviewed) study that’s full of sexy—or at least, sexually-themed—algorithmic research: “In this work, we seek to quantify the ‘common’ or ‘typical’ movements involved in oral sex performed on males,” the paper begins. “ To do so, we analyze a dataset containing over 108 hours of pornographic video, annotated at each frame with the position of the lips along the shaft of the penis. We use quantization techniques to discover sixteen distinct motions, and using these motions we design and evaluate a system that procedurally generates realistic movement sequences using deep learning. We quantitatively show that this system is superior to simple Markov Chain techniques.”


Immagine di apertura via Flickr.

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