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Vita su Venere?

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A cura di @Giulio Cesare.

Un video del canale di divulgazione Link 4 Universe ci parla della possibile esistenza di forme di vita nell’atmosfera di Venere, riprendendo un articolo di Astrobiology Magazine.

Scientists using observations from ESA’s Venus Express satellite have now greatly improved our climate map of Venus by exploring three aspects of the planet’s cloudy weather: how quickly winds on Venus circulate, how much water is locked up within the clouds, and how bright these clouds are across the spectrum (specifically in ultraviolet light).

“Our results showed that all of these aspects – the winds, the water content, and the cloud composition – are somehow connected to the properties of Venus’ surface itself,” says Jean-Loup Bertaux of LATMOS (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales) near Versailles, France, and lead author of the new Venus Express study. “We used observations from Venus Express spanning a period of six years, from 2006 to 2012, which allowed us to study the planet’s longer-term weather patterns.”


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