Su suggerimento di @GiMa.
“The first question J.J. asked us when we all sat down was, what do we want to feel?” Kennedy says.
The answers Kennedy’s brain trust gave: A sense of a beginning. A sense of urgency but also humor. Working with Lawrence Kasdan, who wrote The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi, Abrams developed another list: “The feeling we wanted was from the first trilogy,” Kasdan says. “It’s fun, it’s delightful, it moves like a son of a bitch, and you don’t question too much.”
Un articolo di Wired spiega cosa è veramente Star Wars, e perchè potrebbe durare molto molto a lungo. Il resto lo potete commentare nello Star Bars di hookii, in attesa del film (ah, lo sapevate che esce oggi?).
Immagine da flickr.
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