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“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” e il fondamentalismo islamico

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Su segnalazione di @ewtr.

Quartz racconta come “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, un tema musicale molto noto spesso usato in contesti natalizi, abbia contribuito all’avvicinamento di Sayyid Qutb, all’epoca studente in scambio in USA, al fondamentalismo islamico.

Qutb returned to Egypt a radically changed man. In what he saw as the spiritual wasteland of America, he re-created himself as a militant Muslim, and he came back to Egypt with the vision of an Islam that would throw off the vulgar influences of the West. Islamic society had to be purified, and the only mechanism powerful enough to cleanse it was the ancient and bloody instrument of jihad.

Immagine di apertura via Wikipedia.

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