un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

La frontiera legale dell’attivismo per il clima [EN]

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Quando un’azione causerebbe dei danni e la si compie ugualmente, ci si aspetta che la comunità punisca il gesto. Non si lascerebbe che qualcuno ignorasse una infiltrazione d’acqua in un condominio solo perché non causa oggi danni strutturali evidenti e critici ma saranno i condomini del futuro a doverci avere a che fare.

Scientists, like those involved in the World Weather Attribution initiative, are now adept at cutting through the noise to show the extent to which climate change has made a particular extreme weather event more likely or more potent. Some recent examples, among many, show how climate change increased the chance of devastating bushfires in Australia in 2019 and 2020 by at least 30 percent. It exacerbated heavy rainfall in South Africa in April 2022, making the devastating flooding that killed hundreds of people and displaced tens of thousands heavier and more likely. And global warming amplified a long-running heatwave in India and Pakistan that killed dozens and ravaged crops.

E se il danno sta già accadendo, nessuno si stupisce si passi a vie legali. Come stanno provando a fare alcune popolazioni costiere. Ce ne parla Hakai Magazine:

For years, Torres Strait Islanders have mobilized against climate change, including a three-year effort to take Australia to the United Nations to accuse it of breaching the Torres Strait Islanders’ fundamental rights to culture and life by failing to adequately cut national carbon emissions. In September, the UN Human Rights Committee agreed with them and said they should be compensated.

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