A cura di @MostrodeiBiscotti.
Il 2 giugno scorso, Kira, una gorilla di 17 anni che vive nello zoo di Philadelphia, ha dato alla luce il suo primogenito: il medico ginecologo che ha seguito il parto racconta la sua esperienza su The Atlantic.
In a nearby building, McCurdy did an ultrasound. “We had to remove some of her fur so I could see; I don’t usually have to do that,” she says. “There were also bits of straw on her fur; that’s not usually a problem, either.” The ultrasound confirmed, for the first time, that there was indeed a baby—and just the one. Its heart rate was normal and it was head-down. But while gorillas typically deliver with the baby facing the front of the mother, this one was facing the wrong way round. Perhaps that was why Kira was having a hard time pushing it out.
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