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Da dove viene la proibizione della combinazione di pesce e formaggio?

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Su suggerimento di @Gilberto.

Un articolo di Atlas Obscura si interroga sulle ragioni storiche della diffidenza verso le combinazioni di formaggio e pesce, particolarmente radicata in Italia ma diffusa anche in altri paesi.

The prohibition against combining seafood and cheese was one of the things 1940s Italian grandmothers said, which, I think, got caught up in Italian panic and pride and competitiveness and all that other stuff. It became a fundamental part of Italian cuisine. And because Italian cuisine is, along with French, such a dominant force on American cuisine, some of those traditions made it over the Atlantic. An American chef who has trained in Italy, or under an Italian instructor, might subsume some of these rules. The authentic, traditional way to serve seafood in Italy? Never with cheese.

Immagine da Flickr.

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