Su suggerimento di @S1m0n4.
Secondo uno studio che meta-analizza 15 papers dell’European Eye Epidemiology Consortium un quarto della popolazione europea soffrirebbe di miopia, e, in particolare, il 47% degli individui nella fascia di età 25-29 anni.
Il paper illustra anche una forte correlazione fra miopia e livello di studi, anche se, secondo i ricercatori, questo fattore da solo non é sufficiente a spiegare le cause dell’incremento.
The analysis of studies covering over 60,000 people, which was published today in the journal Ophthalmology, also found a strong link between myopia and level of education, with myopia levels in those completing higher education approximately double those in people educated to primary school level. Researchers suggest that factors relating to the nature of modern education such as more time devoted to studying and working with computers and less time spent outside may help to explain the correlation between short-sightedness and education levels.
However, while younger generations tend to have spent more time in education, this did not fully explain why myopia is becoming more common. A number of factors increase the risk for being short-sighted, including a family history of myopia, while other modern lifestyle factors may also help to explain the trends identified in this study.
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