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German media and the migrant crisis [EN]

2 commenti

Su suggerimento di @HugoFiala

Phillip Mark McGough  su Quillette analizza il comportamento dei media tedeschi, con particolare riferimento alla questione dei migranti e dei fatti di Colonia, per cui c’è una sorta di autocensura per tutto quello che potrebbe turbare la visione di armonia multiculturale che serve all’Europa e al bene comune.

“Germany in all its incarnations these past eighty years has had its fair share of them: Men and women determining upon what is and what is not fit to print, fit to speak, fit to think…”

“It’s hard to find good cause to disagree with the opinion of former Federal Minister of the Interior Hans-Peter Friedrich, who says that the publicly-owned media in Germany is now a “cartel of silence” which refuses to report the full extent of the migrant problem (specifically, the inability of so many young male Muslim migrants to integrate properly into Germany society or at all) for fear of arousing Islamophobia.”

Immagine by Gianni Dominici [CC BY-ND 2.0] via Flickr.

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