un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

I maghi dell’acqua attendono ai loro affari

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L’Arkansas Democrat Gazette riprende un articolo del NYT che riporta come i coltivatori della California, colpiti da una siccità prolungata, continuano a usare i rabdomanti per decidere dove scavare pozzi per raggiungere l’acqua che non vuole scendere dal cielo.

The National Ground Water Association, a group of experts, including hydrogeologists, that promotes responsible water use, describes water witching as “totally without scientific merit.” Some California farmers who pay for the service, however, say it often provides a cheaper alternative to traditional methods, like hiring a geologist.

L’articolo riporta il parere di un esperto geologo e di uno dei rabdomanti (“dowsers”) chiamati dai coltivatori.

“People think you’re crazy,” said Larry Bird, 77, a Sacramento-based dowser who learned the method from his grandfather. He described the sensation of being close to water as being akin to a magnetic field. “It leaves me hot,” he said. “Just like if you short a battery.” Sharry Hope, a longtime dowser based in Oroville, Calif., says standing over water leaves her with a “chilling sensation.” Hope claims she learned one of the techniques she uses to find water on maps from a former military officer: She swings a pendulum until it stops and points toward a “water vein,” Hope said. “I just mark it with a Sharpie.”

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