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Jakarta sta affondando [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Yoghi.

Un articolo del New York Times spiega perché la capitale indonesiana sta sprofondando a ritmi allarmanti, che, insieme con l’innalzamento del livello del mare, ne potrebbero pregiudicare la sopravvivenza stessa:

Rasdiono remembers when the sea was a good distance from his doorstep, down a hill. Back then he opened the cramped, gaily painted bayside shack he named the Blessed Bodega, where he and his family sell catfish heads, spiced eggs and fried chicken.

It was strange, Rasdiono said. Year by year, the water crept closer. The hill gradually disappeared. Now the sea loomed high over the shop, just steps away, held back only by a leaky wall.

Immagine da Flickr (Kevin Dooley).

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