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La disuguaglianza e i livelli di vita dei paesi ricchi [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @bullone23.

Brian Nolan ha messo a confronto l’evoluzione della disuguaglianza  e dei redditi mediani in diversi paesi, per mostrare l’importanza di considerare il contesto locale nel dibattito sull’andamento dell’economia negli ultimi decenni.

The narrative that globalisation and technological change have been the central forces hollowing out the jobs market, squeezing ‘the middle’, driving up inequality, and undermining growth is frequently taken to apply across the rich countries. This column presents a set of country case studies of the US alongside nine other rich countries that highlights just how varied their experiences since the 1980s have actually been. Country contexts really matter, and policy responses must be framed in light of the institutional point of departure and distinctive challenges each country faces.

Immagine da pxhere.


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