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La vittoria di Justin Trudeau in Canada

9 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Ergosfera.

Justin Trudeau ha vinto le elezioni in Canada, diventandone il primo ministro. Avevamo già parlato delle elezioni canadesi su hookii, oggi riportiamo un articolo da The Atlantic che spiega perchè la vittoria dei liberal è importante.

In unscripted remarks that have appalled critics and unnerved even some of his admirers, he praised China’s “basic dictatorship” for leading the way on combating climate change and derided Canada’s contribution to the anti-ISIS military campaign as “whipping out our CF-18s.” He was conspicuously absent from press briefings on his economic policy, explaining that he was vanishing from the campaign trail a month before election day to spend “quality time” with his family. NDP leader Tom Mulcair taunted Trudeau on this front: “You don’t like debates because your staff has to write all your lines for you. I write my own.”

Immagine CC BY di Alex Guibord da flickr.


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