Su suggerimento di @uqbal
Le scene di antiche battaglie nei film di Hollywood sono piene di pathos e grandi discorsi, ma spesso a guardarle con occhio tecnico si nota subito che non hanno alcuna verosimiglianza; anzi, frequentemente mettono in scena vere e proprie assurdità. William McLaughlin, di War History Online, spiega i quattro errori più comuni in questi casi.
The absolute worst feature of ancient warfare on the big screen is the total lack of regard for personal safety. Sure, the act of being a soldier and marching into battle is risking one’s life, but movie scenes take dying for a cause to a whole new level. Battle lines charge wildly into each other and thoroughly mix the soldiers together five ranks deep. Horses also charge straight into the enemy, often ramming themselves right into spears. Well, this was hardly ever the case.
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