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Le cinque ragioni per le quali il Regno unito ha fallito nei negoziati di Brexit [EN]

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Su Politico Jonathan Powell, ex capo di gabinetto del governo britannico e capo negoziatore del governo britannico in Nord Irlanda, evidenza cinque ragioni per cui i negoziati sulla Brexit hanno portato ad un esito negativo per il Regno Unito.

I have spent the last 40 years involved in international negotiations of one sort or another, and I have never seen a British government perform worse than they did in the four years of negotiations that concluded with the Christmas Eve Brexit agreement.

Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of Brexit, purely in terms of negotiating technique, it is an object lesson in how not to do it. As the bluster and self-congratulation dies down, it is worth standing back and looking at what we can learn from the debacle.

We have ended up with an agreement which is more or less where the EU started. It is true that there have been a few sops to the U.K. position on the dynamic alignment of state aid and the role of the European Court of Justice. But on every major economic point, even including fisheries, the EU has got its way.

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