un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Le società liberali hanno tassi di fertilità pericolosamente bassi [EN]

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A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo di The Atlantic fa alcune considerazioni circa il problema della bassa natalità nei paesi sviluppati analizzandone le cause sociologiche ed economiche e le relative implicazioni di lungo termine per la società.

Until recently, demographers worried mostly about overpopulation. Now roughly half the world’s people live in countries with “below replacement” fertility rates, and that proportion is growing. The environmental benefits of this trend are obvious. But low birth rates also threaten welfare states with bankruptcy, and nations with the destabilizing politics of cultural extinction.
As demographic anxiety goes global and populist, a roiling debate is forming around basic questions: Why do some people want children, while others do not? Why do some societies seem to be shrinking? Can a progressive, reproductive-freedom-embracing society survive over time? Or is it doomed to a slow, comfortable death?

Immagine da Flickr / Peasap.

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