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L’oreficeria indiana Tanishq ritira uno spot pubblicitario dopo le proteste hindu.

L’oreficeria indiana Tanishq ritira uno spot pubblicitario dopo le proteste hindu.

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IndiaTimes riporta la notizia che una catena indiana di oreficeria è stata costretta a ritirare uno spot pubblicitario che mostrava una giovane hindu, sposata con un islamico indiano, che veniva festeggiata per la gravidanza con una cerimonia in stile hindu. (Lo spot linkato è zuccheroso come i dolci indiani, ma è piacevole. Come la sposa.)

Tanishq, with its new advert, has been accused of promoting ‘Love Jihad’ and inter-faith marriages, and was trolled mercilessly by several people. Angry responses filled with bile flooded Twitter on Monday in line with the #BoycottTanishq trend. “#BoycottTanishq Now it is become national problem. We have to fight this issue with legal and social motive. Protect our daughter from love jihad and save their lives,”

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