Su suggerimento di @cocomeraio.
Venticinque anni fa veniva ammainata la bandiera rossa sul Cremlino, un evento che per Hobsbawn segnava la fine del secolo breve e per tutti o quasi siglava la fine della guerra fredda e il trionfo dell’occidente democratico. Un quarto di secolo dopo, col ritorno di antiche contrapposizioni e nell’era degli autocrati, Foreign Policy pubblica sei interventi dedicati all’argomento.
Yet, the significance of this quarter-century of change is still not fully understood. Why did the Soviet Union really collapse and what lessons have policymakers missed? How is history repeating itself across the lands of the former superpower? In search of answers, Foreign Policy asked six experts with intimate knowledge of the region from their time in finance, academia, journalism, and policymaking. Here are the unlearned lessons from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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