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Non abbracciamo Qassem Sulaimani, per cortesia [EN]

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Hawzhin Azeez, femminista curda, si sofferma un attimo sulla figura di Qassem Sulaimani e sulla politica del regime di Teheran, per ricordare che l’imperialismo e la brutalità USA non cancellano le azioni analoghe di Sulaimani agli ordini del regime iraniano.

Anti-imperialists who have long supported the brutality of the Assad regime in the name of Left-Leaning ideological praxis are rabidly defending another brutal, violent regime- Iran- without any regard for historical facts and realities; without any regard for the reality of the lives of millions of Iranians terrorized, violated and oppressed into silence; without any regard for the daily reality of the oppressed living under a brutal dictatorship who is only second to China in its execution of dissidents, artists, feminists and human rights activists.

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