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Orologi Meccanici [EN]

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Bartosz Ciechanovski sul suo blog ci spiega, attraverso animazioni grafiche di grande chiarezza, il complesso funzionamento degli orologi meccanici.

In the world of modern portable devices, it may be hard to believe that merely a few decades ago the most convenient way to keep track of time was a mechanical watch. Unlike their quartz and smart siblings, mechanical watches can run without using any batteries or other electronic components.
Over the course of this article I’ll explain the workings of the mechanism seen in the demonstration below. You can drag the device around to change your viewing angle, and you can use the slider to peek at what’s going on inside

Ciechanovski fornisce anche indicazioni per alcuni approfondimenti  sull’argomento: un canale youtube dedicato agli orologi meccanici e alla loro riparazione e un libro che racconta il processo produttivo di questi strumenti di misura del tempo.

There are many YouTube channels dedicated to mechanical watches, but I particularly like Wristwatch Revival, which is dedicated to fixing broken watches, which very often involves a complete dissection of a movement, and a repair or replacement of broken parts. Although the creator is not a professional watchmaker, the videos are packed with information and are very enjoyable to watch.

Ventotto anni dopo la sua prima pubblicazione, il best-seller Watchmaking continua a ispirare e incoraggiare l’arte dell’orologeria, soprattutto tra le nuove generazioni di appassionati. I consigli del maestro George Daniels, nati dalla sua esperienza e dalla perfetta conoscenza della storia dell’orologio, aiutano studenti e riparatori grazie anche a una serie di illustrazioni tecniche.

Watchmaking by George Daniels is a book dedicated to the process of actually making watches from scratch. While few will endeavor this journey, the publication also explains many of the considerations required when designing a watch movement and its parts. Many of the book’s pages are accompanied by pretty technical illustrations that help to explain the concepts.

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