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Otto scenari alternativi di ciò che avrebbe potuto essere Internet

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Su suggerimento di @GiMa

Un articolo di Brian Feldman su New York Magazine elenca otto possibili scenari di ciò che Internet sarebbe potuta diventare, dalle leggi del Congresso americano bocciate dalla Corte Suprema al Progetto Xanadu di Ted Nelson.

That the internet exists as it currently does – in a free, open state, ostensibly accessible to anyone – is easy to take as a law of nature. But of course it isn’t. The internet was a series of technological developments, each stacked on the others. In some cases, decisions made by a few set the course for everything to come, and there have been plenty of points in its history when regulation, privatization, industry upheaval, or a simple design choice could have led to an internet that would be unrecognizable to us today.


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