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Sanders e Varoufakis vogliono creare un fronte internazionale di sinistra

Sanders e Varoufakis vogliono creare un fronte internazionale di sinistra

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A cura di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Un articolo di Rivista Studio dice che Varoufakis e Sanders avrebbero intenzione di creare un fronte internazionale di sinistra.

«Allora diamo vita a un comitato globale col compito di progettare un piano comune per un New Deal internazionale, un nuovo e progressista Bretton Woods», così si conclude il messaggio che Yanis Varoufakis ha inviato al senatore Bernie Sanders sulle pagine del Guardian.

Sul Guardian, le riflessioni di Bernie Sanders sulla situazione politico-economica globale.

There is a global struggle taking place of enormous consequence. Nothing less than the future of the planet – economically, socially and environmentally – is at stake. At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, when the world’s top 1% now owns more wealth than the bottom 99%, we are seeing the rise of a new authoritarian axis. While these regimes may differ in some respects, they share key attributes: hostility toward democratic norms, antagonism toward a free press, intolerance toward ethnic and religious minorities, and a belief that government should benefit their own selfish financial interests. These leaders are also deeply connected to a network of multi-billionaire oligarchs who see the world as their economic plaything.


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