Nel 2013 un gruppo di rievocazione medievale decise di scoprire come si sopravviveva a un inverno russo nel Medioevo. Il gruppo selezionò Papel Sapozhnikov e lo mandò a vivere in una fattoria provvisto soltanto di attrezzi e vestiti del IX secolo. L’esperimento durò sei mesi, come parte di un progetto intitolato Alone in the Past.
La fattoria, costruita sulla base di reperti archeologici nello stile delle prime case di Novgorod, si trovava a soli 45 chilometri a nord-est di Mosca, con un’autostrada trafficata nelle vicinanze.
The central structure is a rectangular building comprised of three rooms. The middle room serves as the living area, complete with a small stove and a hide-covered bench to sleep on. Hanging from the ceiling are mushrooms and smoked fish, and there are pails full of cranberries and lard in the corner. The fish has a rather strong smell, but the experiment organizers say it must be kept at a warm temperature and that Pavel will get used to the smell. The second room is a storage area. Only varieties of grain that were known in the 9th century are stocked here. There is no corn, for example, as that was only discovered by Columbus five centuries later. The third room serves as an animal barn.
Pavel aveva con sé un acciarino e una selce, un pettine, forbici a molla, un arnese per affilare, un’ascia e poco altro.
“You can do anything with an axe. And things you cannot do with an axe can be done with a tool that an axe will help you make,” he explains.
Immagine Pixabay
A cura di @Alan Cowan e @Kenmare
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