A cura di @Yoghi.
Un articolo del Guardian spiega che in Mongolia le donne sono normalmente piú istruite degli uomini, guadagnano di piú e sono meno esposte al rischio della disoccupazione.
Proprio per questo hanno grosse difficoltá a trovare un marito, soprattutto se vivono in Ulaanbaatar, la capitale.
Women in the city complain that there is a shortage of eligible men. In a way they are right. Home to half of the country’s three million people, the city has about 60,000 more women then men. At universities and in the workplace there are often far more women than men. These men are more likely to be taken: almost 40% of men in urban areas over the age of 15 are married, compared with only 32% of women.
Immagine da Flickr.
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