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Trump ha ragione: l’economia sta andando bene ed è anche merito suo[EN]

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A cura di @B.

Often, the President’s hyperbolic assessment of his own performance is at odds with the facts. But Friday’s announcement that the economy grew at a 4.1% pace in the second quarter, the best showing since 2014, is genuine cause for celebration.

“These numbers are very, very sustainable — this isn’t a one-time shot,” Trump said on Friday, speaking from the South Lawn of the White House after news that the US economy grew at a 4.1% annual rate in the second quarter of the year.
It may also be his best chance to argue that a huge and controversial tax cut, the only really significant legislation he has managed to pass, is — as he said it would — unleashing prosperity.
“We’ve never seen anything like (what) is going on right now,” Trump told a hugely supportive crowd of steelworkers in Illinois on Thursday.

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