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Un piano per l’Europa

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Su suggerimento di @Rula.

Il sito dell’European Council on Foreign Relations riassume le proposte di George Soros per la ricostruzione dell’Unione Europea. Soros tocca diverse questioni d’attualità.

​Europe faces three pressing problems: the refugee crisis; territorial disintegrations as exemplified by Brexit; and the austerity policy that has hindered Europe’s economic development. Bringing the refugee crisis under control may be the best place to start.

​I have always advocated that the allocation of refugees within Europe should be entirely voluntary. Member states should not be forced to accept refugees they don’t want and refugees should not be forced to settle in countries where they don’t want to go.

The voluntary principle ought to guide Europe’s migration policy. Europe must also urgently reform or repeal the so-called Dublin Regulations which have put an unfair burden on Italy and other Mediterranean countries with disastrous political consequences.

Immagine da Flickr.

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