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Il duello degli ayatollah [EN]

Il duello degli ayatollah [EN]

di pigtr • 29 Apr 2018 • 0 commenti 5

A cura di @pigtr.

Un lungo articolo su al-Monitor spiega i termini, la storia e l’importanza della competizione tra Ali Khamenei, Guida Suprema dell’Iran, e Ali al-Sistani, la più preminente autorità sciita dell’Iraq e in particolare di Najaf:

At its core, the rivalry is rooted in an esoteric debate over a controversial bit of Shiite jurisprudence that calls for a “trustworthy jurist” to guide society until the return of an “infallible” descendant of the Prophet Muhammad who’s been in hiding — or “occultation” — for more than 1,000 years.


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