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Chiquita colpevole per aver finanziato il terrorismo in Colombia

Chiquita colpevole per aver finanziato il terrorismo in Colombia

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Su France24, il verdetto di colpevolezza contro l’azienda Chiquita, responsabile di aver finanziato le formazioni paramilitari reazionarie colombiane.

A jury found the company liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a US-designated terrorist organization known for its human rights abuses, according to EarthRights, an NGO that helped build the case.

The jury awarded the surviving family members $38.3 million in damages for the deaths of eight victims.

The eight plaintiffs in this case were the family of the victims, who include husbands and sons targeted and killed by the AUC, according to their lawyers.

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