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Come 200 volontari hanno portato a termine uno dei salvataggi in grotta più difficili di sempre

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Il 2 Settembre 2023 lo speleologo americano Marck Dickey rimaneva bloccato a circa 1000 m di profondità nella grotta denominata “Morca”, in Turchia, a causa di un’emorragia intestinale.

Un articolo del National Geographic riassume il complesso intervento di recupero che ha visto la collaborazione di numerosi corpi di soccorso europei.

Turkey’s landscape is marked by karst, a type of terrain where caves easily form. Mile-deep caves in the region make it a popular destination for local and foreign cave researchers, also known as speleologists.

It was while more than 3,000 feet deep in one of these caves that Dickey suddenly began bleeding internally.

Alerted by his fiancée and fellow member of the expedition, Jessica Van Ord, the first rescuers arrived at the scene on September 3, and a four-person medical team from the Hungarian Cave Rescue Service immediately started a seven-hour descent to reach Dickey. With no direct communication to the ill caver, the rescue team feared they might not reach him in time.

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