Su suggerimento di @AlanCowan.
Diane Ravitch, The Myth of Chinese Super Schools, tratto da, 01/11/2014
I risultati deludenti nei test PISA degli studenti americani hanno provocato un dibattito ampio sul sistema educativo degli Stati Uniti. Il modello preso in considerazione da alcuni esperti come vincente è quello cinese, che posiziona i suoi giovani ai livelli più alti degli stessi test.
Ma sono in molti ad affermare che non è quella la strada da seguire, e che il sistema educativo autoritario della superpotenza asiatica può fare più danni dei benefici che offre. Tra questi c’è Yong Zhao, che racconta molti fatti sulle scuole cinesi e viene ripreso da The New York Review of Books.
The most shocking story that Zhao tells is about a rural township in Anhui province that is known as Asia's largest test-prep machine. It is home to Maotanchang or Mao Zhong, a residential secondary school devoted to test preparation. More than 11,000 students from this school took the college entrance exam in 2013, and 82 percent scored high enough to gain admission to a four-year college. Tuition is about $6,000, the same as the average annual income for residents of Shanghai. Parents pay for a year's living expenses in addition to tuition. Students come to this school from across China to prepare for the tests. The workload is three times what it is in the typical Chinese school. Students are in class by 6:30 AM and finish for the day at 10:30 PM, with homework yet to do. The school “has become a legend in China. The national TV network, CCTV, sent a drone to capture the send-off for more than ten thousand students, traveling in seventy buses, escorted by police cars, to take the exam on June 5, 2013.”
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