A cura di @Perodatrent.
Area Mahdawi commenta sul Guardian un editoriale di Sandy Hingston pubblicato su Philadelphia Magazine, che mette in relazione la diminuzione del consumo di maionese in USA con la diffusione della politica delle identità.
It’s a tough time for mayonnaise. Over the last few decades, foreign condiments have been coming in droves to the US and stealing all the sandwiches. And it’s not just the migrants attacking America’s good, old-fashioned nutritional values; the gays are also at it. One of the top items on the Gay Agenda (US edition) is the complete elimination of mayonnaise from the American diet. We have come for your wedding cakes and now we are intent on queering your condiments. If something isn’t done soon, the mayonnaise Americans know and love won’t exist any more. Instead, everyone will be eating politically correct “identity condiments”.
Please don’t deport the messenger. I did not invent the notion of “identity condiments”, though I rather wish I had – I am simply filling you in on a viral Philadelphia magazine article called How Millennials Killed Mayonnaise. “The inexorable rise of identity condiments has led to hard times for the most American of foodstuffs,” Sandy Hingston writes. “And that’s a shame.”
Perché, come spiega Hingston nel suo editoriale: “It’s the same with condiments. I’m not part of the elderly mayo masses; I’m turkey and Swiss on ciabatta with tzatziki, chipotle spread and a little basil pesto. That’s who I am, dammit. My sandwich, my self”.
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