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Perché vi sembra che tutti abbiano più soldi di voi? [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

Jen Doll su Harper’s Bazar esamina il mito delle storie di successo “creato da soli”.

Tutto l’internet è pronto a dare addosso alle persone che notoriamente ricevono soldi dai genitori per finanziare uno stile di vita o un investimento al di sopra dei propri mezzi, ma d’altra parte

how does anyone start their own company or buy a home, much less travel to Fiji, in a time of crushing student debt, when the job market is shifting at an out-of-control rate into a soulless gig economy, industries are dying left and right, we’re totally burning out, and we’re being replaced with robots. Health care costs are rising faster than you can make a doctor’s appointment, but that’s OK, because robots don’t get sick.

La realtà è che

Money has always been passed down in families, but today, across America, parents who can are helping their grown children at unprecedented levels…the average inheritance for white families is over $150,000; for black families, it’s under $40,000.

E queste statistiche sono confermate dalle notizie sulle singole perone che l’autore riporta nell’articolo:

I turned to an editor friend for a frank conversation about how I bought my apartment. She told me, “I was curious, but I don’t know how a single person in America who doesn’t have family money could buy anything, I really don’t, if they’re not working in finance or they’re not a doctor. ”

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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