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A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo del 2011 di phys.org commenta i risultati di una ricerca condotta dal New England Complex Systems Institute che argomenta circa il fatto che la mancanza di confini distinti tra gruppi etnici diversi sotto un unico governo sia un fattore scatenante per instabilità politiche e conflitti interetnici.

Oftentimes peace depends on boundaries—well chosen, not arbitrarily set—topographical and political boundaries that separate groups. This is an important turnaround to a frequently held notion that boundaries are negative barriers to harmony. Science, says NECSI, proves otherwise. Where boundaries are properly chosen, peace prevails. As world leaders struggle to understand the conditions triggering ethnic conflict and civil war, quantitative studies of geographical and other boundaries yield important answers.
“Trying to get people to ignore cultural, religious and ethinc differences is often counterproductive. There is an alternative that allows an active role for diversity,” said Professor Yaneer Bar-Yam, who heads NECSI and is a co-author of the paper. “Boundaries that give groups some amount of autonomy can serve to mitigate conflict where people naturally seek to live near others of their own group.”

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