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The Case for Euro-Optimism

53 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Yoghi.

Un articolo del NYT che troverà favorevoli e contrari, ma che presenta una lettura sui generis dello stato dell’Unione Europea. Ribaltando la descrizione di un’Europa in crisi, Ulrich Speck presenta Grecia, Ucraina e rifugiati non tanto come cause di un possibile collasso, ma come evidenze del successo di un sistema europeo capitanato dalla Germania.

The new European Union is redefining the role of the nation state without replacing it. The new European Union is overwhelmingly intergovernmental, built around cooperation among nation states. It is based on deal making, with the German chancellor as the power broker at the center. It deals with issues that have long been seen as internal affairs, at the heart of sovereignty such as currency, security and borders.


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