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Come le comunità hanno perso la loro anima [EN]

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Nicholas Boys Smith spiega in articolo pubblicato da UnHerd l’importanza del senso di comunità e delle identità locali in un mondo che starebbe progressivamente abbandonando le ambizioni globaliste e cosmopolite di vent’anni fa.

Of course, there is an economic side to this, especially in ex-industrial or seaside towns where shops, pubs or services are closing. And, depending on your politics, you may wish to blame “austerity”, as crime rises and begging and homelessness rise.

But, grievous though these are, there is something more profound going on even in quite prosperous areas: people are losing their sense of home, of their place in the world. They worry that their local neighbourhoods have lost, are losing or are going to lose their heart, their sense of being from here.

Many people feel themselves to be the victim of forces beyond their control.

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