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Come lo Yemen è diventato il posto peggiore sulla Terra

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A cura di @Yoghi (modificato).

Un articolo dell’Economist riepiloga la storia recente dello Yemen, già paese più povero del medio oriente prima dello conflitto attuale iniziato nel 2014, ormai travolto da un’epidemia di colera e sull’orlo della carestia:

Ships and planes carrying food, fuel and medicine are monitored by the UN to ensure that arms are not entering the north. But the coalition still holds up shipments. In November it cut off northern ports completely for over two weeks. Even the more limited blockade has created a cycle of suffering. A lack of fuel has crippled water-pumping stations, so locals have resorted to drinking from dirty sources. Cholera is often the result. The medicine to treat it is also held up by the coalition.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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